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Christmas is in the Details

We want your experience to be the very best possible.   Our sessions are all located outdoors and provide rustic and refined sets that allow for comfortable pj's or the family wants to dress up for the occasion.

What To Wear

We suggest seasonal clothing but you may wear whatever you wish. Given that sessions are only 25 minutes, there won’t be much time for outfit changes, but you are welcome to bring holiday sweaters that you can pop over your outfits. We also recommend bringing a set of matching PJs for the children for our bedroom scene.


When To I Arrive

Clients should arrive 5 minutes early for their mini session. Due to the fact that each session is held on the half hour, we have a very short turn around time in between each session. If you are late for your session, it will cut into your shooting time and you may not receive all 10 images. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will forfeit your session. We must be firm on this policy due to the quick nature of the mini sessions. We cannot delay clients or have clients backed up in our waiting area.

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